Discover the Ocean’s Guardians: Uniting Resources, Expertise, and Innovation to Safeguard Our Seas.

Save The Oceans,EducateProtectSave The World.

Our commitment to protecting the Oceans

Here at Oceans Friends, we’re wholeheartedly devoted to bringing together the incredible strengths of human knowledge, legal support, and advanced technologies.

With a resolute passion, we’re on a mission to keep our oceans thriving, ensuring they’re accessible and beneficial to people all around the world – now and for generations to come!


Ocean's Friends Photo Festival.

1st June, 2024 – 1 November, 2024. Awards on 21 November, 2024

This first edition of the OCEANS FRIENDS PHOTO FESTIVAL focuses on initiatives to combat plastic pollution with the theme: # FIGHT AGAINST PLASTIC POLLUTION.

Interested? Click on Join Now to read more and join.


Oceans Friends International

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